Inventory Available
June 2024

I'm happy to announce that product inventory is now a feature for our websites! Well, at least for standalone products (products listed in the admin at Products > Modify); it is not yet available for products assigned to photos, including Prints. But numerous clients have been asking for this, so I wanted to get it rolled out sooner than later.
Workshop leaders will probably appreciate this the most, since each workshop can only handle a relatively small amount of spots and can sometimes sell out quickly.
You can read all the nitty gritty about managing product inventory here.
A few other updates of note with version 5.9.5:
- I have added FastComments as another integrated commenting system option! I am pumped about this because it's light years ahead of my previous system Commento (which I've deprecated) and it offers better performance and privacy than Disqus. It's also very easy to migrate your comments to FastComments from either of those other systems. You can read more about FastComments and how it compares to Disqus and Commento here.
- This is a minor detail, but at Photos > Settings, you now have an option to enable image protection for your large photos but NOT for the gallery thumbnails. You might ask what would be the purpose of that? Well, if you think about it from the perspective of an editor who is compiling image options to license, or perhaps a collector who is gathering images to consider for their walls, it is actually quite useful to be able to easily save images to your computer to compile into a document. With this new image protection option, they can do that with the thumbnail images, while the larger images are still protected.